ringtoneslh4 Get Premium RingtonesMP3MusicRingtones.mobi is one of the many online websites you can download mobile phone extras from, including MP3 ringtones, wallpapers, screensavers and also the popular ‘iPuppy’, (a downloadable game for the iPhone/iPod).
There is a good range of mobile ringtones available from this site, and you can choose from new chart releases, individual artists (including back catalogues), themes tunes and music genres such as rap, hip hop and dance. There is also a small selection of sounds, such as an old style phone bell ring, a gong and a car alarm. You can also choose between monophonic or polyphonic ringtones.
Ringtones start at just $0.99 each and you can set up an account to be added to your current mobile phone bill for $9.99 a month, which will give you 10 ringtone choices. You can also sign up for a monthly newsletter which will inform you by email of all the new andlatest ringtones available to download.
MP3MusicRingtones.mobi provides a handset support page, to ensure that you are selecting the ringtones and wallpapers that are compatible with your individual handset, and also provides an email and telephone support service if you have any questions regarding the services.
This site is also committed to protecting the privacy of its customers and will not pass on any information collected for the purposes of setting up accounts to third parties. MP3MusicRingtones.mobi utilizes encryption and other security measures to ensure all the information received is protected. This site does contain links to other websites and customers are advised that MP3MusicRingtones.mobi cannot be responsible for the privacy and security of customers whilst accessing these other sites. icon wink Get Premium Ringtones