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Thursday, 9 August 2012

5 Ways To Prevent Your Password From Being Hacked


Over the weekend, WIRED editor (and former Gizmodo writer), Mat Honan was viciously hacked.
The hacker was able to wipe his iPhone and iPad and access both his personal Twitteraccount and Gizmodo’s Twitter account.
Honan wasn’t really at fault either, Apple was. The iPhone maker’s Apple Care support let an individual reset Honan’s password over the phone, resulting in a domino effect that quickly ruined the writer’s weekend.
We wouldn’t blame you if you were worried about being hacked after Honan’s nightmare, so we came up with a few ways to protect yourself:
  1. Check to see how secure your password is first. Head to How Secure Is My Password and see how quickly your account could be hacked. The site will let you know if you are using a strong password or if you should revise it to something more difficult.
  2. Make sure that your password is not on the common list of the most popular passwords. Earlier this year, the ESET Threat Blog released a list of the most common passwords. Check out the full list and if your password or pin number is on the list you need to change it immediately. 
  3. If you use Google for anything (GmailGoogle Talk, Google+, etc.), make sure to enable 2-Step verification. 2-step verification adds an extra layer of security to your Google Account. In addition to your username and password, you’ll enter a code that Google will send you via text or voice message upon signing in. That makes it tougher for someone to guess your password.
  4. For added security use a password manager. Password managers like LastPass and1Password are great for managing your passwords and creating new, uncrackable ones. The benefit to these types of services is that you do not have to remember a password for each site. All you have to do is simply remember a master password. You don’t even have to type in a password when you want to log in. Simply log into your websites seamlessly with a single click.
  5. Google has some great password tips on its extensive password information site. While these may seem simple, many people are guilty of not following these rules.Read the full list here. The top three tips include:
    1. Use a unique password for all your important accounts.
    2. Use a long password
    3. Use a password with a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols
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